
Join The Amenity Forum

The Amenity Forum is the Voluntary Initiative for the amenity sector on all aspects of weed, pest and disease management. It is recognised as such by Government, who look to all involved in industry, working through the Amenity Forum, to demonstrate best practice and continually drive up standards. In its implementation of the European Directive on Sustainable Use (SUD), the UK adopted a national action plan with measurable outcomes and targets.

The Amenity Forum seeks to help deliver this and, through it, allow our sector to continue to operate, producing safe, healthy and sustainable amenity areas that are fit for purpose.

Membership of the Amenity Forum is open to individuals and organisations involved in weed and pest control in the sector. Indeed it is very much welcomed to demonstrate our voluntary commitment to drive up standards and promote best practice. The Forum is totally a membership organisation relying on subscriptions to fund its activities as the voice for the sector.  Every member has an equal vote where decisions are required.

The annual membership fee is currently £650 + VAT, payable on the 1st of January each year. If new members join during the year after the 1st July, a fee of £325 + VAT is sought for that year.

If you are interested in becoming a member, you should, in the first instance, contact the Forum at one of the email addresses below. All new memberships have to be formally confirmed at the next full Forum meeting after application, although membership can be accepted and dealt with provisionally prior to that with executive action by the board of directors.

Full Forum meetings are normally held twice per year in March and September. There are also various committees and sub groups comprised of nominations from the membership.


The Amenity Forum is keen to engage with local authorities, to provide them with relevant and up to date information on amenity management. By joining as an Associate Member Supporter, you are able to enjoy many benefits:

A clear commitment to compliance – all of our members agree to follow a code of conduct, which promotes and encourages an integrated approach to the proper use of pesticides and other methods of control for weeds, pests and diseases.

The latest research, news and views – we act as a single and trusted point of contact, giving you the latest information in weed and pest control.

A group of experts at your fingertips – we have over 70 member organisations, dealing with professional weed and pest control on a daily basis, and led by a passionate, proactive and highly approachable Chairman.

Resources created specifically for local authorities – we have a brand new set of guidance notes covering products in amenity, glyphosate use, the UK National Action Plan and tendering guidance. These can be accessed free of charge.

If you are a local authority and would like to join The Amenity Forum, please drop us an email to the address below and Kate will supply you relevant membership details.

Find out about membership of the Amenity Forum

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